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#myjoberg2c - One Women's Journey to 9 Days of Mountain Biking Adventure. Week 7

Knowledge is like underwear. It’s useful to have it, but not necessary to show it off!

Solo Ride - somewhere between a rock & a hard place

Since starting this journey 7 weeks ago, the knowledge and understanding that I have picked up on all things MTBing has been liberating and fascinating – I have just loved it so far and told a friend the other day that it’s taken me 40 years to learn how to eat correctly… LOL!

Surrounding myself and reaching out to people that can assist me with #myjoberg2C journey, asking uncle Google and watching YouTube videos has been a huge help, influence and motivation for me to just want to learn more and more.

I hooked up with Wessel & Victoria for a RetÜl 3D bike setup from to fine tune my bike to promote and get the best out of my bike for #joberg2c.

Retul 3D Bike Fit

We started off by setting my cleats which were totally incorrectly set up (unintentionally). They were mirroring each other but as Wessel pointed out your feet are totally different from each other and your shoes need to be set up accordingly. My cleats have moved back so that they are on the balls of my feet on not towards the front of my feet. This creates stability when standing on your peddles as well as promotes a strong pull through the pedal stroke as well as makes sure that your push & pull is equal to get the strongest power output.

My saddle was too low and is now about 5mm higher. It should go up a bit more but what we discovered is that my right leg is about 2cm shorter than my left leg and this was caused by me breaking it a few years ago and unintentionally, I have favoured my left let which is now my stronger (and longer…LOL) more dominant leg. This is something that I can still work on by being mentally aware of using both legs equally while on the bike, stretching after sessions as well as standing on the weaker leg balancing and re-teaching it to work properly.

My handle bars were also too high. Wessel changed this by flipping the stem around as well as removing 2 small spaces to lower the bars. He also pushed the saddle slightly back which has made my bike look like a real machine now!

The shocks were also slightly hard and the rebound on the front shock was slower than the back shock so that was re-pressurised to make the front slightly quicker. It’s now set at 190psi on the back, 70psi on the front with a 30% sag.

#LIVing Life

My #LIV was tested in the Maluti mountains surrounding the beautiful town of Clarens this past weekend and what a difference it has made to the feel of the bike, my position is more balances and my push and pull power output on the peddles have doubled in strength – it is literally like night and day!

I really do encourage EVERYONE to do this setup, it’s made me love my bike even more!

Contact Wessel on 071 741 4039

And tell him I sent you!!!

Hike a bike time up the Sky Contour

Training Comments

As I mentioned I was in Clarens over the weekend and took every opportunity to ride. It’s just the most beautiful place and the variety of riding is endless, from mountains (lots of them!) to long gravel roads through the most scenic places to even tar roads that give you endless kilometres of riding that are so stunning you forget about the distance you cover. We did a loop around the village called the Sky Contour. This route starts off by literally going straight up the mountain and there is a bit of Hike a Bike but once at the top it’s an endless single track that takes you all the way down back into the village and the most incredible views of the mountains and farms.

Saturday was all about playing with the locals. I had the privilege to cycle through private farms which are not open to the public which was lovely and then after a quick cup of coffee I head out on a solo ride towards Fouriesburg to meet Brett on the boarder of South Africa and Lesotho. It’s tar all the way but hill training was maximised here which I so dearly need! I haven’t ridden by myself for ages and just loved every minute of it. It was hours where I could just think, breath and appreciate everything in my life… as they say, mountain biking is just as good a session with a phycologist! (and it’s for free!)

Sunday was all about gravel roads and mielie fields which doesn’t sound very glamourous but when you are in this area it’s beautiful. A slip of the wheel found our friend Natalie with a broken collar bone which was so unfortunate and right before the Clarens Beer Festival – which isn’t good when you are the organiser & owner of the @Clarens Brewery. But spirits were high and she will just need to be the only one arm beer pourer over this weekend! Heal up fast Nats – want to go riding with you soon again!

The adjustment to my diet has made a huge impact on the way I feel – again, it’s like night and day!

I am eating 6 small meals throughout the day which feels like tons of food sometimes but I can feel my energy levels have improved during the day as well as on the bike or when I run. I am still finetuning the eating thing before, during and off the bike and will report back after this weekend on the results that I got.

All in all, loving life and loving the way I feel right now…. #sheuntamed

Training Summary

3rd February – 9th February

Mountain Biking : 132km

Indoor Cycling : 0

Running : 16.45km

Pee Squats : 240

Total Training summary from 1st January 2020

Mountain Biking : 539.15km

Indoor Cycling : 5 hours 52 minutes

Running : 143.42km

Pee Squats : 1280

Weight loss : On Track – I have lost 28cm!!!!!!

Yours in adventure


Lindsey Lotringer:

"To me, old age is always 20 years older that I am… sorry to everyone that’s 60! The older I get, my life gets more and more adventurous and I am absolutely loving it! Being 40 is knowing what I want, who I am and proud of what I have become. I am a partner to the most amazing guy, mother (well, step mom really but I don’t like that description) to Kim who’s turning 12, a very grateful entrepreneur of a bustling catering company which has grown into a healthy happy business over the last 5 years, I am a friend, a sister, an aunt and a daughter… I am who I have made myself into and I love it! I started riding in 2012 and it fast became a part of me… the personal challenges it brings, the smile I get after achieving, the social side of it, the chance to exhale after a busy week – you don’t need a therapist if you ride a bicycle, especially if it’s a mountain bike!"

“The fun begins where the tar ends”


joberg2c is riding the off-roads less travelled and trails never travelled across four provinces of South Africa. It is sharing a passion for mountain biking with those who love riding. The communities, the trails, the landscapes and the feast of flavours all conspire to make this a journey for the soul. for more info visit their website:



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