The only bad training session is the one that didn’t happen….
With my half marathon done and dusted (but my legs are still reminding me of it!), it’s now time to FOCUS on #myJoberg2c training.
The good thing about setting a goal early on in the year like running 21kms (when you are not a natural runner) is that it keeps you in check over the silly season of Christmas & New Years when training and nutrition kinda go out the window. Its especially tough for me in the catering industry as we are flat out from the beginning of November right up until the end of the year working long hours with very little time to train and grabbing meals where you can that are not always very healthy. And when you have time to train, to find the motivation and energy to go out and do it is an entirely new challenge.
I will be honest, I could of tried harder over the holidays but when the GnT’s are flowing and life is good (especially after the 2nd GnT) most days were spent in the pool hiding away from the 40 plus degree heat we experienced everyday at our family farm in the Waterberg, there was always an excuse as to why I cant go out for that trail run or MTB ride…
Once back at home, we got some good runs and rides in so I’m not feeling entirely guilty about it.
So, my game plan for training is going to go something like this….
Ride, Run, Strength Training, Pee Squats and Repeat!
Riding: Being in the saddle for 9 days consecutively is quite a daunting thought. My game plan is to get as much “weekend warrior” riding in as possible fitting it in around kids, a social life and work. I would ultimately like to do a “stage race” every month consisting of 3 days of riding one after the other just to get my mind and bum used to the idea of being in the saddle for long periods of time.
Now taking leave to do this is not possible all the time but can be done by doing a local night ride on a Friday eve and then 2 long rides on Saturday and Sunday when we can as well as try get away as much as possible as well to ride at different altitudes and over different terrain.
When the weather is not playing along, I will do sessions on my indoor trainer (yawn!) and will start doing “interval training” sessions as I have heard that it will help my dislike for hills. I can say this now… I HATE hills and I HATE head winds. If you could remove these two aspects in my life I will be a VERY happy girl!
Running: Running was never something I was ever good at in school so it never crossed my mind to do it back then. A few years ago I found myself amongst a group of friends who did it, so I did it or at least tried to do it. Fast forward a few years and I am proud to say that I have run a good few half marathons as well as completing a full marathon, even qualifying for the Comrades (I gave myself honorary bragging rights for that… LOL!)
I’m not a fast runner (due to short Steri-Stumpie legs) and average about 6.5 to 7 minutes per km depending on the distance. I enjoy running, I enjoy the challenge of it, it costs you nothing and it’s a great way to train if you don’t have much time as it’s a matter of just stepping out of your front door…. Oh, by the way – just that action can be a challenge on some days and don’t get me started about the alarm clock set for 5am with intentions to go out and run, but get’s snoozed and snoozed again and then it’s just too late as you need to get ready for work.
I will try fit at least 2 runs into my life each week, maybe even enter 1 or 2 more half marathons to keep me on track.
Strength Training: I have not been in a conventional gym since around 2012, I did “bootcamp” which was similar to cross fit in 2014 but have not focused on strength training for a good 6 years. I always take note of all the articles about how important it is for cyclists to incorporate strength training into their programs but always find every reason as to not go to gym… I don’t like gyms, or put it this way, I don’t like some of the people who go to gyms – the people who have absolutely no consideration about personal hygiene in terms of sweating all of the equipment and not thinking twice about wiping up after themselves afterwards.
I have decided to just get over this and put my “big girl panties” on!
I have signed up the family so we can ALL go off to the local gym and get our “gym on” together. This is important to me that we all go. If not, I will find an excuse like I need to cook dinner or spend time with them doing homework or any other normal family stuff that you tend to do after you get home from work.
I’ve also decided to do a bit of research on what exercises I should be focusing on and will keep a detailed log book of the type of exercise and reps etc. The plan is to do this twice a week.
I am actually very interested to see how this helps me on the bike as well as firm up my 40 year old flab that I am carrying around with me these days…. On an entirely different note, this is also something gets to me, all these things that “happen” to you when you turn 40 – I’ve suddenly become super aware of all these articles about how down hill everything goes as soon as you turn 40! Maybe half of these are valid, or I am now just noticing these things because that’s what the media and “professionals” have told me will happen to me….
“Pee Squats” : What squats? I hear you ask….
This is something I started doing after I broke my leg in 2018 (yes, riding my mountain bike) out of pure frustration of not being able to do much exercise as well as to aid my recovery so that I could be back on the bike as soon as I could.
I am one of those unfortunate people that has a very weak bladder and go to the loo A LOT during the day. I decided to do squats every time is went to wee, starting with 5 every time and slowly built it up every week which resulted in me spending more time doing squats in the bathroom cubicle that actually weeing. I swear this helped me strengthen up my leg as well as made me feel a bit more productive in my recovery. So I am going to resume my daily “Pee Squats” from now on but limit them to 10 squats a wee and a maximum of 40 per day….. every little bit counts (I keep telling myself)
So to sum it all up, my week should look like this:
Monday: indoor spin session, with intervals
Tuesday: strength training including a run to and back home from the gym
Wednesday : Our usual running route that is just over 6km
Thursday: strength training including a run to and back home from the gym
Friday: a light spin or rest day
Saturday: Long MTB ride
Sunday: a long MTB ride or a longish run, depending if Kim is with us or not.
Yours in adventure

Lindsey Lotringer:
"To me, old age is always 20 years older that I am… sorry to everyone that’s 60! The older I get, my life gets more and more adventurous and I am absolutely loving it! Being 40 is knowing what I want, who I am and proud of what I have become. I am a partner to the most amazing guy, mother (well, step mom really but I don’t like that description) to Kim who’s turning 12, a very grateful entrepreneur of a bustling catering company which has grown into a healthy happy business over the last 5 years, I am a friend, a sister, an aunt and a daughter… I am who I have made myself into and I love it! I started riding in 2012 and it fast became a part of me… the personal challenges it brings, the smile I get after achieving, the social side of it, the chance to exhale after a busy week – you don’t need a therapist if you ride a bicycle, especially if it’s a mountain bike!"
“The fun begins where the tar ends”

joberg2c is riding the off-roads less travelled and trails never travelled across four provinces of South Africa. It is sharing a passion for mountain biking with those who love riding. The communities, the trails, the landscapes and the feast of flavours all conspire to make this a journey for the soul. for more info visit their website: https://www.joberg2c.co.za/