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#myjoberg2c - One Women's Journey to 9 Days of Mountain Biking Adventure. Week 1

"Some women get flowers & love letters with words of affection….. I get a Post-It from Brett with each stage of Joberg2c roughly written out with distances and the meters of climbing for each day!

This just got real! The reality of riding for 9 consecutive days with an average of 100kms over not very flat ground every day has just been confirmed by this little note left by Brett, my partner, with the instructions to stick it on the corner of my computer screen so that I can see it every single day just so that it can sink in… Well, it has definitely sunk in and it is kind of scary but super exciting at the same time.

My "love letter"

Where do I start….

Turning 40 in July last year was when this idea popped into my head. I don’t quite know what it is about turning 40 but for me it was a realisation of where I have come from, where I am right now and where is want to go. Which made me think of not a “bucket list” but a “F@#$ it list” . Life is short so just go and do it!

Work life

But with this new found care free outlook of mine that I had just taken on, the reality of “normal” life was still very much part of life. So this will be a personal account of my journey to Joberg2c.

As I mentioned, the big 40 came around last year. I actually love this age of mine as I have discovered myself and love who I have become. I have been riding mountain bikes since 2012 and was hooked right away with the lifestyle, the freedom, the challenges but most of all it was something that I could control 100% myself. What I put in is what I got out and I loved seeing and feeling myself getting fitter and better on the bike as the years have gone by.

My Family

I have my own business – a bustling restaurant and catering company which is 5 years old and I am a partner to the most incredible and supportive person, Brett (The PostIt guy!) as well as “step” mom to Kim who’s turning 12 very soon.

My fitness level is average to good, if I can rate myself. My current training is running (Just completed the Dischem 21 this past weekend) and riding when ever I can which is mostly weekends so you could call me a ‘weekend warrior” LOL!

My partner in crime

I am 7kgs over my goal weight that I would like to be at the start of the race which is a tall ask in just under 5 months but I will give is a go… up my “PEE SQUATS” (more about that later) and cut back on my GnT’s and try stick to clean unprocessed food from now until the race.

You could say I’m a typical 40 year old woman who has chosen to take on Joberg2c and I want to be fit enough to enjoy myself and breath in the atmosphere of one of the most beautiful races in South Africa.

Kim and I

Over the next few months, I will be keeping track of my training, my achievements (and failures), learning bike maintenance, race reports and hopefully chatting to experts along the way like sports nutritionist, skills instructors, other female riders to figure out how to do this while living a “normal life”

Yours in adventure


Lindsey Lotringer:

"To me, old age is always 20 years older that I am… sorry to everyone that’s 60! The older I get, my life gets more and more adventurous and I am absolutely loving it! Being 40 is knowing what I want, who I am and proud of what I have become. I am a partner to the most amazing guy, mother (well, step mom really but I don’t like that description) to Kim who’s turning 12, a very grateful entrepreneur of a bustling catering company which has grown into a healthy happy business over the last 5 years, I am a friend, a sister, an aunt and a daughter… I am who I have made myself into and I love it! I started riding in 2012 and it fast became a part of me… the personal challenges it brings, the smile I get after achieving, the social side of it, the chance to exhale after a busy week – you don’t need a therapist if you ride a bicycle, especially if it’s a mountain bike!"

“The fun begins where the tar ends”


joberg2c is riding the off-roads less travelled and trails never travelled across four provinces of South Africa. It is sharing a passion for mountain biking with those who love riding. The communities, the trails, the landscapes and the feast of flavours all conspire to make this a journey for the soul. for more info visit their website:



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