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2021 Absa Cape Epic Public Entries Open on 19 May

Absa Cape Epic Amy McDougall
Amy McDougall with her eyes on the Absa African Women's jersey title. Photo by Sam Clark

Since inception, the Absa Cape Epic has been oversubscribed with riders eager to test their mettle against The Race That Measures All. Entries to the race have, traditionally, sold out in seconds. For those with eyes and hearts set on the 2021 event, obtaining an entry will prove even more of a challenge due to the prioritisation of the 2020 riders and a reduced field size of 499 teams.

In a bid to ensure that 2020 registered riders are able to get the Absa Cape Epic experience that they had so painstakingly prepared for, they have been offered first option to register for the 2021 Absa Cape Epic. A large percentage of the 2020 field has already taken up the offer, thus leaving only 55 entries up for grabs to the general public on 19 May 2020.

In the past, the entry process has opened with early bird entries that are sold out instantaneously; riders unsuccessful in obtaining an early bird entry could then enter the Lottery for a nominal fee in the hopes of Lady Luck shining on them. For the 2021 event, the entry process has changed, and there will be no Lottery. Limited entries will be available to the public on a first-come, first-served basis as has been the case with early bird entries in the past. Those riders fortunate enough to get their hands on one of these 55 entries will also have the opportunity to benefit from a 25% discount, if the entry is paid for and confirmed before 15 June 2020.

Absa Cape Epic Ariane Luthi
Celebrations at the finish line for team Kross Spur in 2019. Photo by Shaun Roy

The 55 public entries to the 2021 Absa Cape Epic will be available on at 15:00 GMT+2 on 19 May 2020. Once riders have secured an entry, the full team payment needs to be made within 48 hours in order for the entry to be confirmed.

For those unable to secure an entry, a waiting list will be available. This waiting list presents riders with the chance to secure their entry into the 2021/2022 Absa Cape Epic. As entries become available or if COVID-19 restrictions are lifted to allow more than 499 teams, riders will be invited into the 2021 Absa Cape Epic with attractive financial incentives.

Absa Cape Epic African Women's Jersey 2019
Sarah Hill & Theresa Ralph celebrate their African Women's Jersey win in 2019. Photo by Shaun Roy

If riders are only invited after 1 November and choose not to take up the entry, they can secure a guaranteed entry into the 2022 Absa Cape Epic with 100% of their entry fee deposit applied to the 2022 standard entry fee.

Riders hoping to secure an entry to the 2021 Absa Cape Epic are encouraged to visit the website and create an online profile before the release of entries; this will remove one step from the public entry process and may be the difference between securing an entry and having to join the waiting list.

Click here for a summary of the changes at the Absa Cape Epic since COVID-19.



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