Most for better, none for worse, here are 9 common observations (I have made) while on all-women mountain bike rides.

#1. SITUATION: Start of a long ride. OBSERVATION: Discussion amongst group as to who has to pee, who just went pee, how you managed to pee, and where we will all pee again.
#2. SITUATION: Road or double track (en route to the trailhead). OBSERVATION: Two abreast, deep life talks, endurance pace.
#3. SITUATION: Shredding singletrack. OBSERVATION: Louder (yelling likely), intermittent deep life talks.
#4. SITUATION: Trail junction. OBSERVATION: Group selfie. Many likely, until the “right angle” has been captured.
#5. SITUATION: Technical riding. OBSERVATION: Regardless of skill level, verbal coaching and encouragement like “pedal, pedal, pedal” and “more speed!” seem to be quite common, followed by a keepsake action-shot once mastered.
#6. SITUATION: Snack break. OBSERVATION: Discussion of food allergies and digestive issues.
#7. SITUATION: Mechanical. OBSERVATION: Often combined with at least one rider looking like a deer in headlights when asked if they have xxxx tool or yyyyy part, the bike gets fixed. Sometimes likity-split, sometimes through trial and error (that may include incorporating a hair tie) – the bike gets fixed.
#8. SITUATION: End of a long ride. OBSERVATION: Group selfie. No one gives a @#!* about the angle by this point.
#9. SITUATION: Back at home. OBSERVATION: In no particular order: “Hanger” sets in, bike is set aside to clean “later”, piping hot shower (a body part or two likely stings) is taken, yoga pants and hoody are tossed on, an intake of many, many calories is welcomed, social media is updated, napping also fits in somewhere.
I imagine the dynamic can be quite different when an all-dude ride takes place.
How do the observations differ?

This post was originally published for Sacred Rides Mountain Bike Adventures. To learn more visit the Sacred Rides Blog